The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from or where it is going... John 3:8

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

i'm back....

After a 2-year hiatus I've decided it's time to write again. Life has definitely been a roller-coaster during my time away from the blog. I have gone through 2 different job losses in less than a year, the most recent being last week. Right now you would think I would be stressing out, but I have decided if I am truly going to live the faith-life then I better act like it. It's one thing to talk the talk, but quite another to walk the walk. Hebrews says "for we which have believed do enter into rest". I can truly say I am "resting" and by that I mean I am at peace.

This situation did not catch God by surprise. Me on the other hand? Surprised would be an understatement. I gave that job at the animal shelter 100%. I left there with my head held high and with a good conscience. My gut feeling tells me the real reason for my sudden firing was due to my medical condition. When I started on March 17th I had no idea I would be starting Humira shots in May. One of the requirements for working at the shelter is rabies shots. I was told I could not take the shots while on Humira, nor could I handle the animals.

My heart dropped when I found that out because I worried it would cost me my job. When I expressed this concern to the powers that be, I was assured that "handling animals" wasn't part of my job description. I was hired to do data-entry. I believed her in spite of the fact that impounding cats and dogs was a part of my daily routine working at the front. Finding an animal control officer to take the animals back to their kennels when they were busy doing other things wasn't always welcomed tho they did it. I have to wonder if maybe some resentment didn't build up.

Obviously the boss had to bide her time so it wouldn't appear that I was being fired for that reason so she waited 2 mos. The reasons I was given for being "let go" were downright laughable they were so lame, not to mention, false. Since I was still in the probationary period I could not contest the decision, but you can bet your bippy I went straight to HR. I gave my side of the story stating the real reasons I believe I was released from my job. I can accept that I might not have been the ideal fit for the job but to say I was "too slow" or that I "promised people we would save their animals" when I did no such thing was just a ball-faced lie.

The truth as I see it is that I was a liability. Due to my lowered immune system (side-effect of Humira) I was a risk if I had ever been attacked or bitten by a dog or cat. Of course they can't fire anyone for medical reasons. That would be discrimination, after all, so they came up with what sounded like valid reasons. Add to that, the girl I replaced decided she hates her new job and told the health director she wanted to "come back" to the shelter. Now whether she will or not remains to be seen but getting rid of me certainly cleared the way for her.

Oh well. If sound angry, I'm really not. I have accepted it and I am moving on. Do I enjoy being unemployed with no source of income? Not at all. But I've been here before and survived without too much fall-out. Well, other than my car being repossessed and I ended up making money on that when they sold it at auction. LOL! Oh the irony. I now have a much older car, an '02 Mercury Sable, that I paid cash for so at least this time I won't have to worry about my car being taken. It's just a matter of keeping a roof over my head and my bills paid.

It's funny but about a week before I was let go I was thinking about a little puppy we had up for adoption. It came in a litter of 3 and its siblings had already been adopted earlier in the week. It was a Friday and the poor little fella had to be put back in his kennel to spend the whole weekend alone. I felt so sad for him but I knew there were a couple of applications on him and that soon he would be going to his forever family. Things were definitely "in the works" behind the scenes. Of course the puppy didn't know that. He could only go by what he saw which made him very sad, scared, and alone.

Then God impressed upon me isn't that often how it is with God's people? We are faced with circumstances that seem daunting and hopeless. We wonder how on earth we will get through it. Fear, worry, and doubt assail. We focus on the "seen" when what we don't realize is our great big God is working behind the scenes the whole time on our behalf. Things are coming together. And if we knew what He knew, we would be laughing, not crying. We would be rejoicing, not despairing. We would be talking our faith, not our doubts.

I see this as another opportunity to trust God. To prove Him real in my life. To show His faithfulness to my family and friends. God's Word is either true or it's not. I choose to believe it. Philippians 4:13 says, "But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." I don't know how. I don't know who. I don't know when. But I know He will. A great job is coming my way. Hide and watch.

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