The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from or where it is going... John 3:8

Thursday, July 31, 2014

act like it's done...

I was thinking about my current situation. No job. No paycheck. Well, other than my piddly little check I get each week from my part-time job. Certainly not enough to live on. Then I started thinking about how unpredictable life is. Circumstances are subject to change. Today I don't have a full-time job. Tomorrow I could get the call for an interview that will lead to a good job. Today I have $56 in my checking account. Tomorrow I could win the lottery. Well, not really. You have to play to win but you get my point. Life can be one way one minute, then suddenly, everything can change.

I know how excited I have gotten in the past when I got the call that said "you're hired". Lots of rejoicing always followed that call. When a check showed up in the mail and I was actually able to pay my bills I felt so happy and thankful. Then it dawned on me, as Christians we are instructed in Romans 4:17 to "call those things that be not as though they were". That is faith, my friends. In other words, faith acts like it's done before anything changes. Faith rejoices that the answer is on the way. Faith thanks God for that job. Faith laughs when the bills are due.

Sound crazy? Well, think about how you act when something you have longed for comes to pass.You're probably a laughing, rejoicing fool. I know I am. If we truly trust God to meet our needs and take care of us, then there is no time for the mullygrubs. That is a sure sign of unbelief. Just because we don't see it doesn't mean it isn't on the way. God is always working behind the scenes in our lives. He is an active God and faith pleases Him. In fact, without faith it is impossible to please Him.

I have noticed with each bout of unemployment, I have gotten stronger. Why? Because every single time God has come through. All my needs were met. Yeah, I had down days when unbelief would wrap its ugly tentacles around my mind and the "what ifs?"would start playing like a band. But God! He proved His faithfulness to me time and time again. God moved on folks to help me until that job came my way. Afterwards I wondered why I ever doubted. So this time I won't.

Admittedly I don't understand all the whys and wherefores, but my trust is in the Lord. I know He is working on my behalf. Has anything changed? No. But I've decided in spite of that I am going to act like I've landed that job. I am going to rejoice in the same way I would if I had just gotten that phone-call. I am going to praise God in the same way I would if a big fat check had just arrived in the mail. God is the God of suddenlies, after all. I refuse to get bogged down in the muck and mire of my circumstances. I will approach each new day with expectancy. Good things are coming my way. I believe it, therefore I will act like it. I will talk like it. And I will walk like it. In Jesus' name.

             "When nothing is sure, everything is possible."

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